Artemisia de Vine: Sexual Fantasy and Desire Coach

Ā deVining the Erotic

Ā TheĀ irreverent and insightful writings of

Sexologist and Retired Sex Worker, Artemisia de Vine

The psychology behind our sexual fantasies, turn-ons, and repeating patterns of attraction and desire.

'Sexual play is the perfect vehicle to explore all that it means to be human.'Ā 

All content and original concepts copyright

The trick to bringing Sexual Fantasies to Life!

I learned early on that there is an art to bringing your sexual fantasies out of your head and into your bed. It is not just a matter of living out your fantasies exactly as they are in your mind’s eye. You do not have to look like their celebrity crush, have a big dick, or actually be...

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Make Your Desire for Deep Sexual Surrender Come True

Do you fantasize about your lover taking the lead, making love, ravishing, or dominating you in ways that transport you into ecstasy? 

Whether you are into the historical heterosexual model of man actively leads and woman surrenders "into her feminine receptive," ...


You are far more...

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